Cvlt One

With our anniversary quickly approaching, we are putting the final touches on the first Cvlt beer. This beer will be available at the Acid Temple on June 21 for Ordo Utris Cerevisiae (OUC) members. This begs the question, what is Cvlt One?
To put it simply, Cvlt One is a blend of two beers from two separate barrel types with saccharomyces, lactobacillus, two strains of brettanomyces, and fruit – tart cherries to be exact.
Look, here’s the thing, our brewing philosophy typically abhors the kitchen-sink approach of using ingredients that are unnecessary in a beer. We’d rather manipulate things on the process side to get interesting flavors rather than just tossing things in a beer. BUT, sometimes, a beer calls out for a flavor, and, in this case, it was cherries (21.75lb/bbl to be exact).
This all has produced a beer that is extremely subtle (We're big fans of subtle beers), drinkable (also big fans), and one that should age well as the brettanomyces strains continue to develop over time.
OUC members should view this beer as a window to what we will be able to do on a much greater level once we have the Acid Temple up and running (which should be late fall / early winter). Blending, something we already do a fair amount of (Melissa being a mixed fermentation with a saison strain of saccharomyces and brettanomyces), will increase and will allow us to make beers that have greater
number of microflora, thereby imbuing our beers with greater complexity and variety.

Zach Coleman